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Dear friends!
The health and safety of our employees and partners is an absolute priority for STI.
CoVid-19 has changed our usual way of life, and we are adapting to the new high-availability mode at the facilities.
STI complies with all recommendations and carries out organizational measures aimed at combating the spread of CoVid-19:

  • At our construction sites, enhanced hygiene standards are observed, and rules for restricting the number of visitors are introduced
  • Carrying out disinfection measures at construction sites and in premises
  • Elbow dispensers installed for disinfection of hands in front of the entrance and on the premises
  • Instructions for briefing on the fight against coronavirus developed and issued
  • Conducting unscheduled briefings at facilities with employees on measures to combat coronavirus infection
    Coronavirus infection control headquarters established
  • Organized daily measurement of body temperature for workers before the start of the working day (at the entrance to the object) and with subsequent measurement of temperature (at least once every 4 hours), all data is entered into the journal; persons with elevated temperature are not allowed on the object
  • Prepared and installed informational posters
  • Obligatory observance of workers at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other
  • All employees were provided with medical masks and disposable gloves for moving around the city from work to work, strict control was carried out to issue PPE at facilities, and control over their use
  • Dormitory workers assisted in quarantine and catering
  • Most of our employees are transferred to remote work, and without fail employees of the age of 65 years and older, to minimize the risk of infection
  • We have limited all trips that are not critical to clients, to minimize the risk for our employees in their daily work and to support public health efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus

Each of us contributes to the overall fight against the pandemic with our responsibility and our behavior. We must do everything possible to take care of our health, the health of our loved ones, colleagues and people around us!

Be healthy and take care!

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